Articles archivos - Real Estate Juan Cano


Benefits of Hiring a Real Estate Agent When Buying Your Home - Juan Cano Real Estate Agent in Revere, MA 02151

Benefits of Hiring a Real Estate Agent When Buying Your Home

Purchasing a home is one of the most significant financial decisions many people will make in their lifetime.  While it’s now easier to find homes online, the process of buying a home remains intricate, overwhelming, and filled with potential challenges.  This raises the question: is hiring a Real Estate Agent still worth it?  Working with

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FHA vs. Conventional Loans What Is the Best Option for You Real Estate Agent Juan Cano (2)

FHA vs. Conventional Loans: Which Is the Best Option for You?

If you are navigating the complex world of mortgage options, understanding the differences between FHA loans and conventional mortgages is essential.  Both loan types cater to diverse financial situations and housing needs, making it crucial for potential homeowners to really know their unique aspects to make an informed decision.  This article dives into each loan

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What to Know Before Buying a Condo in Massachusetts for Sale - Real Estate Agent Near Me

What to Know Before Buying a Condo in Massachusetts

When buying a condo in Massachusetts, you need to understand that you are buying a part of something bigger. You’ll own your specific unit as outlined by your deed, which also specifies your ownership percentage of the whole complex. Unlike single-family properties, condos involve communal living and shared decision-making, which can offer both social and

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How to Reduce Your Interest Rate with a Mortgage Buydown - Real Estate Agent in Revere, MA Juan Cano

How to Reduce Your Interest Rate with a Mortgage Buydown

Buying a house is an exciting process full of hopes and desires. It does, however, come with a fair share of financial considerations, particularly in relation to mortgage management.  It can be intimidating to think about interest rates and monthly payments, but what if there was a method to simplify and lower the cost of

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Tax Benefits of Real Estate Investing - Real Estate Agent Juan Cano

Tax Benefits of Real Estate Investing

Embarking on a real estate investment journey opens up a world of financial opportunities. In this post, I will guide you through the various benefits that real estate offers, helping you strengthen and enhance your financial portfolio.  Instead of just focusing on the appealing physical aspects of a property, we’ll explore the reliable rental income,

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Hand protecting houses from domino falling to exemplify an article about Avoid These 10 Mistakes When Investing in Real Estate - Real Estate Juan Cano, Massachusetts

Avoid These 10 Mistakes When Investing in Real Estate

Have you ever wondered what separates successful real estate investors from those who aren’t? The difference is in the small details that many overlook. In this article, we will show you the most common mistakes in real estate investing. These mistakes can make the difference between positive cash flow and a failed investment. We’ll cover

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How To Prepare for Tax Season To Buy a House Next Year - Real Estate Juan Cano

How To Prepare for Tax Season To Buy a House Next Year

If you’re dreaming of owning a home in Massachusetts by 2024 or 2025, the path to realizing that dream begins right now.  Getting your taxes in order is an essential task, particularly for self-employed individuals or those earning in cash. Why? Because declaring the highest possible net income is a strategic move that can make

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How real estate can increase your net worth - Real Estate Juan Cano

How Real Estate Can Build Your Net Worth

Between 2007 and 2009, the United States faced a crippling economic recession that left many people with homes worth less than their mortgages, and it made investors understandably cautious. However, the real estate narrative today is quite different. Despite concerns about a 2023 market shift, the current real estate landscape shows remarkable stability and resilience.

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