Best Real Estate Investments for Beginners 

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The article was last updated on 8/31/2023.

If you’re thinking about the best way to put your money somewhere and get ahead of the game, you might want to think about putting it into real estate.

Investing in real estate can give you an edge in your financial freedom. Real estate is a great chance to invest because there are lots of ways to make money from it. And maybe even become your main way of making money someday.

In this guide, we will teach you everything you need to know about the best real estate investments and how to start.

So, you dream of making the best real estate investment but have no idea where to start? No worries; this article is here to help you out!

We’re going to cover some tips, advice, easy strategies for beginners, and common mistakes that people who are investing for the first time usually make. By the time you finish reading, you should have a better idea of real estate investing and how to make your first investment.

How does real estate investing work?

Real estate refers to any land and property attached to that land. This includes anything natural or man-made on the land, such as trees, buildings, or fences.

Real estate is land and any buildings or other structures on it. Including its natural resources such as crops, minerals, or water. Or even an interest vested in this; also an item of the property, buildings, or housing in general. Also called realty or real property.

Several factors, including location, amenities, and the overall economy, determine the value of real estate. Real estate values can go up or down over time, so it’s important to monitor the market and make sure you are getting a good return on your investment.

The best part about investing in real estate is that you are investing in something tangible that will probably exist 30 years from now.

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How to get started with the best real estate investments?

Real estate investments can be a great way to generate passive income and build wealth over time. But where do you start? Here are a few tips:

1.    Do your research

Before you dive into the best real estate investments, it’s important to do your research and understand the basics of the process. 

There are a lot of different factors to consider, from finding the right property to securing financing. Once you understand how it all works, you can start looking for properties that fit your investment criteria.

The first step is to identify your investment goals. Are you looking to generate income, build equity, or both? 

Once you know what you’re hoping to accomplish, you can start researching properties in your target market.

Look for areas that are growing or have growth potential. This will help you maximize your return on investment. 

You’ll also want to consider the condition of the property, the surrounding neighborhood, and the availability of amenities. All of these factors can impact the value of the property and your potential return on investment.

Once you’ve found a few properties that meet your criteria, it’s time to start crunching the numbers. Look at the purchase price, estimated repair costs, and potential rental income. This will give you a good idea of whether or not the property is a good investment.

2.    Work with an experienced real estate agent

If you’re still unsure, consulting a real estate professional is always a good idea. A good agent can help you find properties that fit your investment criteria and budget. Also, they can offer advice and guidance on the best ways to move forward with your investment.

In addition to helping you find the right property, an experienced agent can provide valuable information on the local real estate market, trends to watch out for, and more. 

If you’re serious about getting started with the best real estate investments, working with an experienced professional is a great way to get started.

3.    Have a clear investment strategy

There are several ways to make money in real estate, so choosing an investment strategy that aligns with your goals is important. 

So, if you’re considering the best real estate investments, think about your goals. For example, if you’re looking for consistent cash flow, you should focus on properties you can rent.

If you’re looking to build equity, you should focus on properties you can eventually sell for a profit. 

There are different factors to consider when choosing an investment strategy, so researching is crucial before making any decisions.

Once you have a clear investment strategy in mind, you can start looking for properties that fit your criteria. 

You can use several different resources to find investment properties, so be sure to explore your options. Once you find a few potential properties, you’ll need to do your due diligence to ensure they fit your portfolio well. 

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By developing a clear investment strategy and finding the right property, you can set yourself up for success in the real estate market.

4.    Have a solid financial plan

Real estate investing requires money, so you’ll need a good handle on your finances before you start. 

Your financial plan should include a clear idea of your investment goals and how much money you will spend on your investment. 

It’s also important to clearly understand the risks involved in real estate investment and a plan for dealing with those risks. 

You’ll need to consider the upfront costs of purchasing a property and the ongoing costs of maintaining and repairing it. 

Also, you’ll need to factor in your potential income from renting or re-selling it. This is the most important point.

5.    Be prepared for the long haul

Real estate investing is a long-term proposition. It’s not something you can get into and expect to see results overnight. 

It takes time, patience, and hard work to succeed in the real estate investing business. 

Real estate investing can be a great way to build wealth if you’re prepared to commit to the long term and put in the hard work. Just make sure you go into it with your eyes wide open.

Best Real Estate Investments For Beginners

If you’re new to investing in real estate, it’s normal to feel a little intimidated by the process. It can take several years to get comfortable with all the ins and outs of the industry. 

That’s why beginner-friendly strategies for best real estate investments are a great way to start. 

They are designed for investors with little to no experience but can still be highly profitable if managed correctly.

If you are new to the industry, starting with a beginner-friendly investing strategy is a great way to learn the ropes and get to know your local market before taking on more complex investments. 

By starting small, you can build a network and learn how to raise capital without committing to a deal you may not be able to handle. 

As you gain experience and profits, you can transition into other strategies.

To get you started, here are a few real estate investment strategies:

1.    Wholesaling:

Wholesaling as one of the best real estate investments

Wholesaling involves finding properties sold below market value and then selling them to other investors for a profit. This can be a very lucrative business, but it requires some start-up capital and good real estate market knowledge.

Keep a few things in mind if you’re considering getting into the wholesaling business:

First, you need to find a good source of below-market properties. This can be done by searching online, contacting real estate agents, or attending foreclosure auctions. 

Once you’ve found a few potential properties, you’ll need to do your due diligence to make sure they’re a good deal. This includes running a title search, getting a home inspection, and evaluating the repair costs.

After finding a property that you think is a good deal, you’ll need to find a buyer willing to pay more than you’re paying. 

This can be done by marketing the property to other investors or using a real estate agent. 

You’ll make a nice profit if you can find a buyer and successfully close the deal. Just remember, wholesaling is only for some and requires some work. 

But if you’re willing to put in the effort, it can be a very lucrative business, as mentioned earlier.

2.    Prehabbing:

Prehabbing as one of the best real estate investments

Prehabbing is a real estate investment strategy involving fixing a property before putting it on the market. 

By making necessary repairs and upgrades, you can increase the property’s value and make it more attractive to potential buyers. 

This strategy can be especially effective in hot housing markets, where properties are selling quickly and buyers are looking for move-in-ready homes.

If you’re considering rehabbing a property, it’s essential to research and create a detailed plan. 

You’ll need to budget for the cost of repairs and upgrades, and you’ll also need to factor in the time it will take to complete the work. 

Once you understand the costs and timeline involved, you can decide whether prehabbing is the right strategy for you.

Side note: There are some programs that, in addition to lending you for the purchase of the property, lend you to cover the repairs.

3.    REIT Investing:

REIT as one of the best real estate investments

Real estate investment trusts (REITs) allow you to pool your money with other investors to buy or finance income-producing real estate. 

REITs can be an excellent way to invest in real estate without buying or financing property yourself.

This type of investment typically pays out high dividends, which can provide a good source of income. It can also offer the potential for capital gains if the value of the underlying real estate increases.

REITs can be a good investment for those looking for a steady income stream and the potential for long-term capital appreciation. 

However, REITs can be volatile and may be affected by changes in the real estate market. Before investing in a REIT, you should research the specific trust and understand the risks involved.

4.    Online Real Estate Platforms:

Online real estate platforms as best real estate investments

Several online real estate platforms allow investors to purchase and manage properties without the hassle of traditional brick-and-mortar real estate firms. 

These platforms typically offer a variety of features and tools to help investors research and analyze properties, as well as manage the purchase process and ongoing property maintenance.

While online real estate platforms can offer a more convenient and efficient way to invest in real estate, it is essential to carefully consider the fees and services provided by each platform before making a decision. 

Some platforms may charge higher fees for specific features or services, while others may be more limited in the types of properties they offer. It is also important to read reviews and compare different platforms to find the one that best suits your needs.

5.    Purchasing Rental Properties:

Purchasing rental properties as best real estate investments

A rental property is an excellent way to generate income and build wealth over time.

However, there are a few things to keep in mind when purchasing a rental property.

First, it’s essential to find a property in a desirable location. This will help ensure that your property always has renters. 

Second, it’s important to purchase a property that is in good condition. This will help reduce any repair costs. But most importantly, it’s crucial if you want to have your property ready as soon as possible for tenants. 

Finally, it’s essential to be prepared for the financial responsibility of being a landlord. This includes having enough money set aside for repairs, vacancies, and other unexpected expenses.

Side note: We recommend purchasing a multi-family house if you’re getting started in real estate and looking for your first property. Buying a multi-family home allows you to live in one unit and rent the others. With the money you earn from rent, you’ll be able to cover most of your mortgage payments (if not all). 

6.    Real Estate Syndication:

Real estate syndication as one of the best real estate investments

In a real estate syndication, a group of investors pools their resources together to purchase and manage a property. This allows them to spread the risk and cost of the investment.

In addition, it allows them to leverage their collective knowledge and expertise to maximize returns.

Real estate syndications can be a great way to get started in real estate investing, especially if you don’t have the time or resources to do it alone. 

Also, because you’re working with a team of other investors, you can learn from their experience and knowledge. This would be a great help for you to make better investment decisions in the future.

7.     House Flipping:

Construction worker on a blog post about how to flip a house

House Flipping involves purchasing a property, usually at a discounted price, and then making necessary repairs or renovations before selling it for a profit.

Many people who flip houses can do so because they have a good eye for spotting potential in a property that others may not see. They can also often negotiate good deals on properties and then sell them quickly for a higher price after remodeling them.

If you are considering flipping houses as an investment strategy, make sure you understand the process and the risks involved. 

There is always the potential for losses and profits, so you must be prepared for both.

But if you are willing to take on the risks, house flipping can be a great way to earn a good return on your investment.

[Related Article: How to Flip a House in 2023 (Step by Step)]

8.    Real Estate Investment Groups (REIG):

Real estate investment groups as one of the best real estate investments

An REIG is a group of investors pooling resources to purchase a property. REIGs do not qualify as REITs.

REIGs offer many benefits, including economies of scale, access to capital, and expertise. However, they also have some disadvantages, such as high management fees and potential conflict between members.

REIGs are a popular way to invest in real estate, especially for small investors who lack the resources to purchase property independently. 

By pooling their resources, REIG members can access properties that would otherwise be out of their reach. 

In addition, REIGs often have access to experts who can advise them on maximizing their investment.

However, REIGs also have some drawbacks. One of the biggest is the high management fees that these groups charge. This can eat into profits and reduce the overall return on investment. 

Also, REIGs can be prone to conflict between members. This can happen when members have different goals or disagreements over property management.

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In summary

Overall, real estate is a great way to create wealth. It is relatively safe and offers the potential for stable returns. Unlike stocks or other types of investments, real estate is not prone to the same level of volatility. 

Also, real estate is a tangible asset, meaning you can see and touch your investment. This can provide a level of security and peace of mind that other investments may not be able to offer.

Another reason real estate is an excellent business is that it offers the potential for high returns. While there is no guarantee that you will make a lot of money from investing in real estate, it is possible to make a significant profit. With the right property and the right market conditions, you could see a very high return on your investment.

Of course, there are also risks involved in any business venture, and real estate is no different. 

The key is to do your research and understand the market before making any decisions. But if you’re smart about it, investing in real estate can be a very lucrative way to make money.

Opportunities are always there, and for an experienced agent, it is easy to find them. What you should do is have good capital to invest, and we will help you get the perfect opportunity for you.

Let’s talk if you’d like to invest in real estate! I’ve been in your position and would happily advise you on the best real estate investments. Call us at (617)729-2967 or click here for a free consultation.

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